Google drive link Direct download

We know Google's use of Google Drive products is very important for each user. Any file image can be uploaded by those files here and can be accessed from any place through that email id, it is very user-friendly for users. But today, we will talk about sharing the download link of Google Drive with someone who has to download the file from the Google Drive page. Today we will use a system that will learn how to google drive link Direct download files from Google Drive.

 Because if a user sends that link, he can easily download and save some time. However, we will talk about how Google Drive can be run on a web host, but before that, we will discuss. But today our tropics can download the google drive link Direct download, let's start discussing. If you use the Google Drive link in a very small way, you can use video music web host files in many ways but Google Drive is a very important product. 

Each email ID has this feature and every email ID is 15 GB free. If you use more than that, you have to use the pro version which is the paid version. version types of websites are hosted by different types of websites on this Google Drive link, and users are not required to access other platform web hosting with a free one. I also use the Google Drive link in this method. google drive link Direct download, a method is very helpful.
google drive link Direct download image

Profit of use of Direct download google drive link:

  1. It is very easy to use on the website.
  2. Convenient for direct download.
  3. Very easy to host files on any website google drive link.
  4. Use the google drive link Direct download method to save the user's time.

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How to use this trick:

Step 1:-
Open your google drive. Select your file, Mouse right click then share option-click. see imagegoogle drive image
Step 2:-
Select advance option button, and click. see image
                                             google drive advance option image

Step 3:-
See my image and click the change option.
google drive Sharing settings image
Step 4:-
Select on the public web this option then save it.
google drive Link Sharing option image
Step 5:-
Copy this URL second owner setting prevent editors checkmark then save changes.
google drive Link Sharing option image
Step 6:-
paste your URL any area looks like a notepad and see my image and copy Google Drive file ID.
google drive Link Sharing option image

This highlighted area file ID. Copy this, this is very important in Google Drive URL id.
Step 7:-  Past Google drive file id.
 Anyone click this link then Direct download any files.
Demo  Click this link.

 Have any question ask me right now.
Google drive link Direct download
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